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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Progress update

For those of you who are interested in the process:

Sent out "The View from the Shotglass Floor" to the Timeshot Anthology.

Still waiting for for responses to "God by a River in Egypt" to Deep Magic, "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" and "Nothing but Our Tears" to The Sword Review, "The Amityville Sensemilla Growers Association" to the Vermin Anthology, and "The Stars by Law Forbidden" to Strange Horizons.

About 1/3 into the latest Joe Defar story, "Six Zombies Doing that Mick Jagger Strut" and a few lines into the 5th "Servant of the Manthycore" story.

My output took a big hit this week due to con fatigue and RL business. I am hoping by Friday to have the Joe story done and some substantial progress made to the "Servant story.

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