The cover is up and the Table of Contents. Note the inclusion of a familiar name right at the end:
Emancipation by John Hubbard
Bury Me Deep by Josh Reynolds
Beating Josephat by Lawrence Barker
A Little Nest Egg by Kenneth Goldman
Hearken Not to the Zurry Bird's Cry by Edward DeGeorge
A Cold Day in Hell by Ron Shiflet
Miss Magnolia by Anna M. Lowther
Hell Hath No Fury by Rob Rosen
The Skeleton by William B. Kaliher
Hours With the Dead by Lee Clark Zumpe
The Best Ghost Tour in Savannah by Mark Allan Gunnells
The Big Shot by Loretta Giacoletto
The Tooth by Mark E. Deloy
Such a Sweet Girl by Mark W. Johnson
Sleeping in the Kisatchie by A.C. Wise
Ghosts of the Bayou by Trent Roman
Six Zombies Doing that Mick Jagger Strut by Michael Ehart
Yes, for those who have asked, it is a Joe Denfar story! The anthology should be out next month.
Take a look!