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Thursday, January 12, 2006

I seem to have stablilized at 4th place. If any of you haven't voted yet, and can get around to reading the story and voting for me I would appreciate it. My wives--- current and ex--- will appreciate it. My 16 starving children will appreciate it. My poor sainted mother, who more than anything hoped that her little boy would someday grow up to amount to something, anything, will look down from heaven and appreciate it. (Actually, my mother is still alive. She is a romance novelist. She voted for it, too.)

The poll ends at midnight the 14th, so there is still time to go through your high-school yearbooks and persuade everyone there to vote :)

1 comment:

Scott M. Sandridge said...

"The poll ends at midnight the 14th, so there is still time to go through your high-school yearbooks and persuade everyone there to vote :)"

Crud! Why didn't I think of that? ;)