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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Vermin Anthology

I normally don't talk about stuff that is out in submission, but for some reason I am really jazzed about the Vermin anthology by Carnifexpress. I submitted months ago, and Armand, the editor, just did an update. As he is reading at random, it is silly to read anything into this, but I still haven't received a rejection, so my rat ghost story is still in the running for one of two reasons; either he still hasn't read it--- he is down to 100 submissions unread out of 456 or something, or he has read it and it is one of the 16 second round stories being held so far.
I really like the story and I am pretty impressed with Carnifexpress's anthologies, so combined with my feeling that it is a great fit and the fact that I haven't received the e-mail of death yet has got me uncharacteristically wound up.
Those who know me will testify to my detachment during the submission process--- once the story goes out into the world, it pretty much is product with little emotional attachment involved. I do most of my artistic suffering during the creation phase.
I'll feel pretty silly if I go to my email after posting this to find the story rejected, but somehow I am not feeling that this is the case :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund

Nisi Shawl sent me the link to this press release:

Warner Books, Seven Stories Press, Beacon Press, The Carl Brandon Society, Writers House, and the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame announced today the creation of The Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund in honor of the internationally acclaimed fiction writer, who passed away last month.

For more information go to:

Friday, March 17, 2006

More Norwescon Scheduling

Here is my crit schedule, for the writer's workshop:

Thur 4 p.m. Mt. Baker
Victoria Dzenis, Arden

Sat 2 p.m. Mt. Baker
Sharon Beatty, Talmany's Daughter

Sun 12 p.m. Mt. Rainier
Robert Boyd, In the Course of Diplomacy

I'll also be at the Saturday afternoon social, to meet the workshop participants in a more relaxed setting, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Presidential Suite 1360.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Norwescon update

The programming grid is set. Looks like I will be doing a reading Thursday night, 9:30 to 10:00 in Cascade 3. I seem to be the opening act for Bruce Taylor, Mike Moscoe, and Jay Lake--- pretty exciting company to be keeping!
Updates as I get 'em!

"Voice of the Spoiler"

Here is your chance to catch a print version of the first "Servant of the Manthycore" story. Better Fiction has it available in their quarterly magazine, along with stories by Scott M. Sandridge and Honore de Balzac.
It looks like a nice product, can't wait to get mine!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Death of Number 23"

Here's the kind of email a writer loves to receive:

"Dear Mr. Ehart:Congratulations! I'm pleased to inform you that your submission, "The Death of Number 23" has been accepted for publication in the JUL/AUG 2006 issue of The Dark Krypt webzine."

I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"Nothing But Our Tears"

I got "Nothing But Our Tears" finished today, the 4th story in the "Servant of the Manthycore" series. One more and a coda, then on to other projects.
I really liked this one. It was hard though, because I told it from the POV of an observer who gets caught up in the dreadfulness of the Servant's life. There is even a bit of a love story.
Of course she ends up killing nearly everyone one in sight and feeding them to the beast, same as always, but hey, find your romance where you can, I always say :)

Friday, March 10, 2006

"Voice of the Spoiler"

Reprint alert: my story "Voice of the Spoiler" from the Servant of the Manythcor series is being reprinted in Better Fiction: Volume 2, Issue 1. Available March 15th. Cover art by Melinda Reynolds. Fiction by: J.P. Delova, Michael Ehart, Scott Sandridge, Honore de Balzac, S.E. Ward, Melinda Reynolds, and Karina Kantas. Articles by: Homer Hickam, Austin Caver and Jordan Stoner, J.P. Delova, "Maggie", Brad Templeton, and Roger J. Carlson. Edited by Wade Ogletree.

It will be pretty cool sharing a TOC with Scott Sandridge, who posts at the sf reader board. Honore de Balzac is no slouch, either :)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Weaving Spiders

Caught a breath from all the activity--- the food bank where my wife is the Executive Director lost our building on almost no notice, so this weekend I moved the equivalent of a medium sized convenience store and a small clothing boutique, including fixtures.
Writing was such a releif from hucking canned goods that I managed to finish "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" the third story in the Servant of the Manthycore series. A quick run against the crit group, and it will be ready to submit.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Online crit group

I can't believe I have been so remiss--- a couple of weeks ago I was accepted into an online crit group by Daphne Charette, a screen writer who has turned to sf/f, clearly an act of temporary insanity, but a welcome one. It is a good, lively group with only about a dozen memebers, which is just the right size for quick shakedowns of stuff on its way out, or for floating ideas that are not quite ready for prime time.

Norewescon coming up

I am starting to get excited about Norwescon. There are several people I am looking forward to seeing again, and they always have great programming. I have signed up for both a regular reading and the midnight horror reading, at which I am planning to preview a brand-new Joe Denfar story.
When I get the programming, I'll post it here, and maybe I'll even be able to post from the con, though that is always iffy. Since it is only 25 minutes away, we won't be getting a room, which actually menas that I will get enough sleep, or at least what can charitably be regarded as a facsimile of such :)