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Sunday, October 21, 2007

New exclusive Servant story in Flashing Swords

In coordination with the release of The Servant of the Manthycore, the new revived Flashing Swords Magazine will be featuring a brand new "Servant" story of betrayal, adventure, blood and death.

"Stand, Stand, Shall They Cry"

In ancient Ninevah, the Servant of the Manthycore searches for one of the fabled rubies known as the Tears of Ishtar. It is not her first visit to the great and wicked city-- and this time they are waiting for her with sorcery and death!

Coming in November!


ResAliens said...

Congrats! I'm interviewing Rachel Marks, your illustrator, for this next issue of ResAliens. We'll want to interview you next issue for sure! Lyn

Art said...

Sounds good to me!