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Thursday, January 25, 2007

RadCon 4C, Pasco WA

Itinerary for Michael Ehart

Sun Feb 18 11:00:am Sun Feb 18 12:00:pm Eragon and Star Wars
Citrine Looking at the parallels, are there any new stories to be told
Michael Ehart John Redeye Knight Irene Radford Darragh Metzger

Sat Feb 17 5:00:pm Sat Feb 17 6:00:pm Why the Leather Bikini
Harvest Room Hear these folks explain away the whys and wherefors of all that is quirky in F&SF
Christine Morgan Michael Ehart Deby Fredericks Eve Gross

Sat Feb 17 2:00:pm Sat Feb 17 3:00:pm Leaving it to the Reader
Sage Readers have imaginations; use them! To much, too little? Fining the baby bear approach to getting it just right.
John Pitts ElizaBeth Gilligan M. J. Engh Michael Ehart Michael Hiebert

Fri Feb 16 4:00:pm Fri Feb 16 5:00:pm Star Trek
Sage RCW 4813.6.1(c) states: No science fiction convention shall be liscened to do business in the State of Washington without 1 (one) period of time, not less than 50 minutes, dedicated to Star Trek. This period of time must be scheduled and a copy of that schedule provided to attendees of said convention.
Michael Ehart J. Steven York Dean Wesley Smith John Hudgens Vickie Mitchell

Fri Feb 16 3:00:pm Fri Feb 16 4:00:pm To Outline or Not to Outline
Harvest Room Some folks swear by the outline, others swear at it. Both sides make their point.
Renee Stern Darragh Metzger Christine Morgan Michael Ehart

See you there!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Damned in Dixie

He's baaack! For those of you who have been jonesing for a Joe Denfar fix, good news! I just heard from editor and writer Ron Shiflet that the latest Joe story "Six Zombies Doing that Mick Jagger Strut" will be in the "Damned in Dixie" anthology coming in March. It will be a collection of "dark fantasy/horror tales set in any of the 13 states that comprised the Confederate States of America."
More details as I get 'em!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

In first place!

For nearly 12 hours. It might not last, but it sure feels good. Go vote if you haven't!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Please vote for me!

My story "Servant of the Manthycore" has been nominated for the Preditors and Editors poll for best Fantasy/SF Short Story of 2006. Pleeeease vote for me! he whined.
Poll here:

Story here, for those of you who haven't read it yet:
