The Imaginary Word is meant to be a list of prose, poetry, and art online that I think others might enjoy reading.
For those who haven't read it yet, "It's a Living" is up still at Byzarium. Go check it out!
And thanks, Sarah!
The Imaginary Word is meant to be a list of prose, poetry, and art online that I think others might enjoy reading.
1. You must write.
2. You must finish what you write.
3. You must refrain from rewriting, except to editorial order.
4. You must put the work on the market.
5. You must keep the work on the market until it is sold.
Ehart has an easy, wry style and gives Joe a real voice. Told through a combination of first person narration and dialogue, he puts the reader inside the head of a man who has been doing this for far too long and no longer knows how to be surprised. It's a dangerous move, one that threatens to tip over into 1940s pastiches, but Ehart pulls it off. Not only is he able to give us an unusual and likable character in Joe, but his take on ghosts is both original and well thought out. ...this is a fun, evocative story that plays three card monte with the reader's expectations and wins every time.
There are no guilds here, no huge kingdoms, just people trying to make their way and leave their mark. It's a stylistic move that reminded me a lot of David Gemmell's work; there's the same gritty, personal feel to the story that Gemmell brings to his work. The interplay between the past and present is well handled and the unusual structure provides the reader with a puzzle they are sure to enjoy solving.